Rated at up to 500 lbs/hr (227 kg/hr) of finished tortilla chips and up to 350 lb/hr (159 kg/hr) corn chips, complete with the following:
Main Pan and base assembly constructed of stainless steel with stainless steel outer skin and trim. The support legs will be stainless steel tubing with leveling jack screws installed. The pan will be flat bottom with one manifold oil inlet and one outlet.
Conveyor System constructed of a formed steel frame work supporting the paddles, submerger conveyor, and takeout conveyor. The paddle blades will be stainless steel. The submerger and takeout conveyor belts will be stainless steel, chain edged wire mesh belts. Paddle and conveyor drives will mount on this structure.
Stainless Steel Hood Assembly formed and joined together completes with a telescoping stack assembly in the center and a clean-in-place system with spray balls mounted. An extra spray ball will be included for installation in the fume stack. A flexible hose supply line to connect with the main pump outlet will also be provided.
Hood Lift Assembly consisting of four motorized jack screws tied together to one reversible motor. The hoist will raise the hood and also elevate the conveyor assembly clear of the pan for cleaning.
Pneumatic Oil Level Control consisting of a differential diaphragm assembly and level tank mounted on the side of the fryer. This unit maintains a constant level of oil in the cooker at all times.
The Filter System consists of a screened rotating drum rated for full flow of the circulation system. Cooking oil is filtered continuously. The unit will be built to match the fryer flanges. The frame and components will be constructed with stainless steel.
Heat Exchanger consisting of a heavy steel case insulated with 8 lbs cu ft fiber-fax blanket and equipped with an explosion release panel. Stainless steel tube bundles will be installed and piped to flanged inlet and outlet connections. A complete burner system with combustion air blower will be installed. This system will operate on constant air/fuel ratio.
Oil Circulating System complete with an all-iron centrifugal pump mounted on a steel base with coupling, guard, and TEFC motor. Interconnecting piping between the fryer and heat exchanger will not be supplied.
Control Panel complete with all circuit breakers, motor starters, switch gear, flame safeguard equipment, Honeywell solid state temperature controller, solid state high temperature limit, and chart recorder. Enclosure is Nema 4x stainless steel. Panel is completely assembled and pre-wired.